The Air I Breathe

I've had very mild asthma for most of my adult life. When I say mild, I mean I might have a mild attack once or twice a year...and that's usually induced by spicy food or a dusty surrounding. I carry an inhaler, but rarely need it.

In the past, when I have one of these attacks (which is really a strong word for what they have been), I always know I'm going to be fine. My airways are thinned out, but I can tell that air is there. Now when I'm around other people, it might scare them a little to hear me gasp for air, but I know I'm fine. I use my inhaler and in a few seconds I'm back to normal.

Until last Friday night...

It was 4:30 am. I abruptly awoke, struggling to breathe, no air available to me at all. I jumped out of bed trying to breathe in as hard as I could. Nothing. No air at all.

I want to pause here and back up a bit. A good friend from England was visiting us last week. Her name is Laura and she's just the sweetest little Brit you ever did meet! For the majority of the week, Laura resided in my oldest son, Blake's room, since he was away at college. He came home on Friday for Easter, and we decided to move Laura to Hayley Grace's room (my 12 yr old daughter) and move Hayley Grace into my and my husband's room for the remainder of her stay. Yes, these are the issues faced when there is no guest bedroom and every inch of your home is occupied by someone all of the time! But you won't hear me complain, the more the merrier!

That last paragraph may seem insignificant. It's not. It was a divine provision by God. The simple act of moving people around in a crowded house could possibly be the act God used to save my life.

Back to my air at all.

Hayley Grace was in my room sleeping and she also woke up. She saw that her mama was struggling, unable to breathe. She yelled for her dad (bless his heart...the heavy sleeper he is, he slept right through it) but she didn't wait for him to act. I knew my inhaler was in my pocketbook (purse) and I began saying "pocketbook...pocketbook...pocketbook" as well as I could. (try speaking with no air...) Hayley Grace understood and ran to get my pocketbook...and there in the side pocket was my inhaler. My year and half old inhaler because I rarely have to use it. The first inhale did very little. The 2nd began to slowly open my airways up, enough to get some air, enough air, life-giving air.

My hero, my brave beautiful daughter, Hayley Grace. Who knew how God would use her that night? She doesn't sleep in my room, yet she was there on this night, the very night I needed help. Coincidence? I don't think so. God's perfect provision? I know so.

I saw a doctor and received a breathing treatment, a shot in the bum (ouch!), and a lot of medicine to come home with.  Diagnosis: bronchitis headed for pneumonia with aggravated asthma. A week later, I'm still not 100%, but I'm breathing and for that I'm grateful!

I don't know what would have happened if Hayley Grace hadn't been there, if Laura hadn't been visiting and moved to a different bedroom. Possibly, I'd be just fine. Or maybe not. I don't know. What I do know though, is that HG was there. And God did provide and I'm ok. :)  I've never been so thankful for the air I breathe in all my life!

This event doesn't scare me today. If anything, it's brought me to my knees in awe and appreciation for the people in my life and especially for God Who never left me unattended. Being home on the couch all week resting has given me plenty of time to reflect and pray. I don't want to take breathing for granted anymore. I don't want to miss the miracle and overlook the blessings in the simple act of breathing.

Let's not wait until there is an emergency to bring us to an awareness of simple blessings, let's act now.

Take a deep breath right now. Thank God for that air you just took in to your lungs. You are alive and breathing.

Look around you. Thank God for where you are right now. You are alive and breathing.

Don't take today for granted. Thank God for today. You are alive and breathing.

This song comes to mind as I end this blog post. You might remember it from quite a few years back. Enjoy :)

If you can't see or hear the video posted here, click here. 

Is there anything in your life that you have been neglecting?  Have you been unaware of any blessings in your life? What can you give thanks for today that maybe you overlooked yesterday?

It is my prayer that this story will move you into an awareness of the simple and often overlooked blessings in your life today.

Thank you God for the air I breathe.  Amen.