She Speaks Conference (2025)
Repeat after me: “I need to go to this conference!”
I’m telling you this because I believe it, know it and know you’ll be glad if you do. If you have a dream, calling, inner desire to make a difference where you are - this is the conference for you. Whether you want to write, speak, teach at your church, lead a Bible study, start your own ministry or figure it all out - She Speaks is for any woman ages 18-100! Don’t ever think you are too young (we have a young leaders’ track this year), too old (God’s not through with you yet!) - or even too busy (I don’t have time! - Yes you do!). Come to She Speaks and we can help you.
This year’s conference is July 25-26 at a beautiful hotel near the airport in Charlotte, NC! Check out the details on our She Speaks Conference page. Registration begins VERY SOON!