Hi, I’m Melissa. It’s nice to meet you!
I’m the 2nd one sitting on my couch surrounded by my amazing Ohana (family). Thank you for visiting.
This space is my place to retreat for all the right reasons. A place to write out my thoughts, have healthy discussions, keep it real and share hope. This isn’t a place to post the perfect pictures or to air dirty laundry. I will do my best to keep it as real as possible. Everyone is welcome here. You can look around, leave a comment, share what’s on your mind or just pop in and out. The only thing I ask is that this is a place of respect. Sometimes it’s risky and scary to put yourself out there. I’m hoping that as I do, you are uplifted and encouraged and reminded that you are an amazing person created by God, in the image of God. You are loved and worthy of love. We all are. And it’s my hope that in this place, right here, we take the time to give it and receive it. 💖
I’m a woman who tries real hard to do a lot of things well. Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I don’t. I’ve learned that’s pretty much how most people are. I love to celebrate when there’s reason (and honestly there’s always something we can celebrate), but I’m also very realistic. I struggle with things. I don’t understand everything in this life. I’m in my my late 50’s now and while I do love my life, there are some things that haven’t turned out the way I thought they would. BUT that’s not bad news. While there are disappointments and some things I don’t understand, there are also other parts that have exceeded anything I ever dreamed of. And I’ve learned, that’s the beauty of life.
Here’s a few things about me you may or may not be interested in:
I’ve been married to Jeff since 1990. And we first started dating in 1981! We’ve had ups and downs over the years, but there’s no one on the planet I’d rather spend my life with. He’s accepted me for me all these years and loved me through all kinds of life events and circumstances. I say this with 100% authenticity – I am so grateful for the love & friendship of this man. He is the most loving, fun and dedicated husband and father I’ve ever known. We don’t have a perfect marriage but it is pretty darn good. We even play golf together now!
I have 4 grown kids and I love them to the moon and back. Ages 23-31 ~ 2 sons, 2 daughters. If you’ve known me a while, you may remember that I had 3 sons and 1 daughter. At some point, I’ll share the story on my blog (I’ve shared it other places and it’s not a secret), but Dylan transitioned a few years ago. I have learned that people have a lot to say about this and usually have questions. That’s ok, and I welcome them. I was once in a place of many questions. It’s been quite a journey for our family, but we have learned so much about just how strong our love is for each other. I adore and I’m so proud of each one of my children and their loves! My #1 prayer for each of them is that they always have room for God in their lives, believe in Him and know how much He loves them.
Friends and Family. I treasure these people and I’m so grateful for each of them. I can’t say enough to really explain how special they are to me. Again – when you find those people you can be real with and they love you anyway – keep them! We need each other!
Charlotte, NC is where I live now and have lived most of my life but Greenville, SC is my hometown. I love them both!
If you dislike college football, then you may not like the fall around here. Although this blog will never be about football and my teams, sometimes it just comes out. I can’t help it.
Proverbs 31 Ministries has 100% changed my life. When I was a young mom in my 20s, the Proverbs 31 monthly newsletter was my mentor and guide, helping me learn what it meant to have a real everyday relationship with the Lord. Up til then, I was religious and but I didn’t know much about grace and an everyday friendship with Jesus. I had seen this in my Grammy and always wanted it but it was Proverbs 31 who showed me how it was possible. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true! Never in a million years did I think I’d be working here one day! I’ve had the honor of being on the speaker team from 2002-2009 and on staff since 2007. I love that in my job I get to pass on what’s been given to me through this ministry.
Struggles seem to always exist – and one of my biggest frustrations in life is that I continue to struggle with some of the same things. But I keep remembering, in the midst of every single struggle, there’s also lots to rejoice and remain hopeful about! Thank You Lord for that!
I think that’s more than enough for now.