Circle 31 (Bible Study) & Book Club
This Book Club has been what I needed but didn’t know it.
In 2023, the “sun set” on Proverbs 31’s beloved Online Bible Studies. While that seemed like a bad thing - I mean - what ministry would stop Bible studies, right? Well, not Proverbs 31, I can tell you that. We never say OBS ended. We prefer to say the sun set. Sun sets are beautiful. They signify the end of a day. But the sun comes up again. And that it did in the form of Circle 31 Book Club. By the way, Bible study still exists at Proverbs 31 - in First 5 and coming soon (April, 2025) in the C31 Book Club - P31 would never quit offering Bible study!
What I love about Circle 31 is that I am continually being grounded, challenged and reminded where my hope comes from. Something I forget way too quickly. Some of the books are Bible studies. Some are topical books that use the Bible as their hope and foundation. Some are biographies. Some are fiction. But ALL point back to Jesus.
Along with the books, Circle 31 has a thriving community and how much you participate is up to you. That has given me the freedom to read at my own pace and join the conversation and ask questions when I can.
Check out more about Circle 31 Book Club and get signed up!
Check out our April Book Club pic! Breaking Free From Body Shame by Jess Connolly. Get your copy here and when you do, you are also supporting our ministry!
***Adding this (3/7/25) bc I just saw it and it really stood out to me how awesome it is for people to have an online space to be a part of a community. I know not everyone needs that, but there are many for various reasons (season of life, busy schedules, illness, capabilities, etc) that do. I’m grateful C31 Book Club is meeting a need for so many. Plus it’s also just fun!
From Kendra’s email on 3/7/25
P.S. Here’s what one of my Circle 31 friends has to say about her experience (in case you need another reason to join ):
“This has been the most interactive book club I have ever participated in. I feel like I’ve made friends on the chats. Everyone has been uplifting and supportive! My husband has two terminal conditions, and this has been a long journey where we are in the final stage of his cancer. This book and the support of these online groups could not have come at a better time and has become another way God has given me hope for my future AND is helping me have a healthier heart for my future!”
— Bobbi