Wow. God. Is. Amazing.
Question: Want to know where you can gather with friends from 105 different countries to study the Bible? Answer: Right here at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies!Me: Say what? Me Again: Wow. God. Is. Amazing.I just checked the Online Bible Study sign ups to see where you all are from. When I saw the number of countries, I thought for sure there must be some mistake.
The word is really getting out about our little Bible study group for What Happens When Women Say Yes to God. Isn't this so exciting to think that we can be a part of something that brings this many women together all in the name of Jesus?A lot of people who are new to OBS (Online Bible Studies) wonder how an online study can really work. I wondered how it would work, too, at first. I thought for sure it would seem impersonal and lonely. That turned out to be so far from the truth.When you log on to our Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study, you are not just doing a study. You become a part of something special. A trusted community. A loving family. A place where you belong and you get to be yourself. And, oh yeah, let's not forget the best part~ you gain hope, faith, and confidence through God's Word and the love & prayers of His people. Lifelong friends from around the world have met through Proverbs 31 OBS.And to any of you who are here for the first time or thinking about maybe signing up--Just do it :) We would LOVE for you to join us here! God has been doing great and amazing works through these studies, so why not go ahead and give it a try? Just say "Yes" and join us for What Happens When Women Say Yes to God! Click here to learn more about the study and to sign up.To help some of our newer ladies out, how about those of you who have been with us a while, share in the comment section today how OBS has worked for you, and why it works for you. And new ladies, if you have any questions about P31 OBS, our next study, or whatever, just ask. You can leave your questions in the comment section and someone here will answer it for you.Thanks so much for stopping by today!Love,Melissa <3
Want to win a copy of What Happens When Women Say Yes to God for our next study? We will be having MANY opportunities for you to do just that during the weeks leading up to the study. Just keep checking my blog for details (or sign up to receive my blog emails, just below my picture in the right column).My friend and co-leader of the next study, Nicki Koziarz, is giving away 3 Yes to God Prize Packages and it's super easy to enter. Click here to visit her blog to get details. Winners announced next Monday so you still have time! You must visit her blog to enter this particular contest.