A Bittersweet Move

A little over two years ago, I started Online Bible Studies on my blog, but before that this space was just my blog.  A place where I invited ladies into my life and we would just share life experiences. It was casual, but I did have a purpose in mind. From the beginning, I wanted every person who visited me on my blog, to leave with hope.Monday, July 22,2013, Online Bible Studies will be moving off of my blog. OBS has a beautiful new home with all the bells and whistles over on the Proverbs 31 Website. I am so excited about this move. What started with small beginnings has evolved into a world-wide gathering of women. We've had 92,000 sign ups on OBS in just a little over two years. I'm so proud of this. Not in a boastful way. I'm bragging on the Lord. He is amazing.And I'm proud of you too. Because you have committed to study the Bible through life changing topical Bible study books, a one of a kind community has formed. It wouldn't and couldn't have happened without you.  Thank you. I love you. I pray for you. And I'm so blessed that I get to do life with you, my Bible study group.We've always kept it real around here, so why stop now. While recording my "farewell" video, life got crazy.(kids,dogs, photo bomb.Need I say more?) I could and probably should have done this over. But we're all friends, right?Moving Forward:Online Bible Studies will be saying good-bye to this home, but Melissa Taylor will not. For the next month, I'll be working to update this site where I will return to blogging regularly about life's happenings and God's hope and goodness again. I want to invite you all to come back and visit real soon.If you are signed up for What Happens When Women Say Yes to God (meaning you filled out the form in the right column of this blog) then you will receive Proverbs 31 OBS updates directly to your email. Or you can go directly to the new OBS site here:  http://proverbs31.org/online-bible-studies/.Would you leave me a message today? Maybe just a prayer, encouraging words, or what Online Bible Studies has meant to you. That would mean a lot to me.Hope to see all of you at our new home and I look forward to some personal visits from you back here as well.Love & Blessings! Winner of the Lysa TerKeurst Prize Pack:Becky Prince, email beginning becky_prince24