Reminder To All My Blog Friends~ Yes to God

Hey Sweet Friends!  Hope you all are doing well today!In case you are wondering what in the world is going on here at, here's an update for you.The What Happens When Women Say Yes to God OBS begins August 4th. This date is different than the original date. We moved it back to accommodate those still waiting on a book.Our Online Bible Studies ministry has moved. We have a new awesome home!  It can be found on the Proverbs 31 Ministries website.This site here,, will return to being just my personal blog. There are a few of you who remember when I used to blog. I'm really looking forward to it again!If you have any questions, email more information on the move, click here.I'm so excited about all of our changes! Hope you will be joining 21,343 other women from 119 different countries as we say "Yes to God!"Love you!  <3