Dwelling Among Us, Day 1

Well here I am! I made it to Israel and it still doesn't seem real. I just can't believe it.

Our flight was long, by far the longest time I've spent on a plane. I quickly became fascinated watching the GPS of the flight. Those of you who are professional travelers probably see this all the time. As I watched the graphic of our plane flying across the world, I realized how small I am and how big the world is.

Flight Path Israel

And then I noticed we flew right over the toe of Italy~ that's a first! Does anyone else geek out over these things?

Toe of Italy


Most of our group arrived today, just a little excited, can you tell? We have a few more joining us in the coming days.

This still doesn't seem real, but rather than spend my time in disbelief, I'm turning my focus to the reality that I am here and there's a purpose for it. I don't want to miss that purpose just because this seems to good to be true.

Our teacher and leader for this trip picked us up from the airport and as he drove us, passion filled his voice as he began to tell us about this land and the rich history it holds. "This valley is where Joshua stood when God made the sun stand still." (#SayThatAgain what???)  Yea, things like that.

Then he brought us to such a sweet place that we get to call home for the next week. I get to room with one of my favorite people in the whole wide world~ my beautiful friend Lisa Allen!  When we walk out of our room, this is what we see~

View From Our Room Israel

I know where I'll be having my early morning quiet time this week!

This trip is not just a tour of the sites of Israel. It's a little different. It's actually a study trip where we will be studying the book of John from the Bible as we journey.

John 1:14 really stood out to me today:

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

Right here in this land, this is where "the Word became flesh." Let that soak in for a moment. Jesus was here. God walked the earth right here. He did miracles here. He knows how it feels it be human, just like us. He suffered trials and hardships. He worked hard. He knew what He came for and remained focused on that mission. He served his earthly purpose here, among us.  And maybe you won't ever make it to Israel, but you made it to this earth~ am I right? This earth where "the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us."

And where today, He dwells within us.

Something to Think About

Look at John 1:14. Pause for a moment and really let that truth sink in. THAT really happened.

I love it when y'all share what's on your mind! Please share any thoughts you have about his in the comment section. 

Good Night my friends (as I type it's evening). Can't wait to share more with you tomorrow! 

You can follow along on social media with these hashtags. #P31JohnStudy  #P31Israel15