Thirsty Again, Day 2
I began my day sitting on the front porch of my temporary home for the week in Israel. I don't use the word perfect much, but this was pretty close to perfection.I decided to read John 4 today. I began and got no further than the first story in this chapter, when Jesus talked to the Samaritan woman at the well.I've read this story so many times and as I read it today, I had to stop and consider something pretty serious. In fact, not to exaggerate, but it's life-altering. Just wait, I think you will agree.In John 14:13, Jesus clearly states (about the water in the well):
Everyone who drinks from this water will be thirsty again.
I put my Bible down.I thought about the water I drink. No matter how much I drink, Jesus is right. I'm not ever satisfied. I'm thirsty again.How many times do I turn to something else, when what I really crave and need is Jesus?I guzzle to find satisfaction and contentment in:
my work
a good book
some delicious food
the people I'm with
bottled water
how important I feel
And that's just for starters!I note that some of these are good things. But good things don't quench my thirst for very long.Reading on in verse 14, Jesus continues with the answer, the solution to my never-ending quest for what will quench the thirst of my soul forever~
But whoever drinks from the water I give will never thirst.
As I closed my Bible and got up to head out for Day 2 in the Holy Land, I took a long drink from the Word, the living Word of God. The "Word that became flesh and made his dwelling among us." And if I keep drinking that, I will never be thirsty again.
Something to Think About
There is so much more to this story and I only highlighted a portion here. Check out the rest of story by reading John 4:1-42.What are you thirsty for? Are you drinking from the water that guarantees you will never thirst? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Day 2 in Israel was filled with wonders, but honestly I'm still taking it all in trying to process it as I've asked God to give me a fresh revelation of His Spirit and His Word for today. I know I will be sharing this in the coming days, weeks, and probably months.Search #P31JohnStudy and #P31Israel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more pictures from my trip! And thank you for sharing in the comment section! Before I wrote this post, I read all the comments from my previous post and they seriously blessed me down to my core!Alright, it's bedtime here, so I'm out! ;)